NTC Events
NTC Events serves as your liaison for all your event related questions. Below please find a series of links and tools to help you plan your next experience. Should you ever need assistance please do not hesitate to reach out to ntcevents@tulane.edu.
Event Planning & Implementation
NTC Events Calendar: Email NTC Events to request an invitation to the calendar
NTC Standards & Best Practices for Event Planning & Implementation
ResourceSpace: Campus Stock Photography
Room Reservations
Senior Leadership Attendance
President Fitts: Submit the completed Request Form to Rachel Weiss via email at rweiss5@tulane.edu. Please cc Dale Hall (dhall10@tulane.edu) and NTC Events (ntcevents@tulane.edu).
Provost Forman: Email your request to Nia Molina (nmolina@tulane.edu), cc NTC Events (ntcevents@tulane.edu) including the following information:
- An event overview
- The event details
- Expected role at the event
- Talking points to be included
- Run of show
- Expected audience – size and composition
Dean Demosthenidy: Submit the completed Request Form.
Senior Program Manager