
Get Involved With Our Students!

Faculty are the key to the success of our students. You educate and create connections with students. As an undergraduate faculty member, you are part of Newcomb-Tulane College which allows you to create even stronger academic connections. We offer opportunities to engage with students through programs like Residential Faculty and faculty-led study abroad as well as ways you can advocate and support students by referring them to our support and enrichment programs and services. NTC administers the core curriculum and creates and enforces academic policies, ensuring the integrity of our community.

Mentoring Opportunities


The First-Year Seminar offers first-year students an interdisciplinary experience, driven by intellectual curiosity, active learning, and experiential education. First-year seminar faculty help build the foundation necessary for development and success from orientation through graduation and beyond.

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Reading Project Discussion Leaders engage first-year students in interdisciplinary conversations around the themes of the Reading Project book and help to ease the transition to the classroom experience.

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The Residential Faculty Mentor (RFM) Program, co-sponsored by the Office of the First-Year Experience and Housing and Residence Life, aims to increase meaningful engagement between full-time faculty and first-year students in residence halls. Through co-curricular experiences and mentorship, the program supports the healthy transition of every student to the academic and social communities of the university so all new students understand how to be a contributing member to the classroom, live independently, and develop and sustain healthy relationships, mentorship, and campus engagement.

Interest Form

Scholar Societies are designed to foster an intellectually engaged community among Honors Scholars and create the opportunity for informal interactions with faculty members with the support of the Office of First-Year Experience and Peer Mentors. Faculty Leads connect with students over meals, through field trips, and in reading discussions during the Academic Year.

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CAE mentors play a pivotal role in the lives of their students. Faculty mentors forge meaningful connections and support their cohort of students through their undergraduate journeys.  Faculty are invited to apply to be a CAE mentor for either the Posse program or College Track programs each year.

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The NTC College Scholars Program provides co-curricular engagement for high-achieving sophomores through a year-long focus on an interdisciplinary theme. Rooted in mentorship and intellectual curiosity, the cohort model allows students the opportunity to build meaningful connections with their peers and the faculty principals.

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Global Café program is a gathering place for internationally-minded Tulanians to build friendships and global understanding by actively engaging and learning from one another. Every Tuesday from 2-4 PM CST in the Rosenberg Mezzanine at the Lavin-Bernick Center for University Life.  Faculty leaders of departments or programs are campus are welcomed to serve as a host for these weekly gatherings.

Host Global Cafe

Research & Teaching


Each year, Newcomb-Tulane College welcomes full-time faculty from the five undergraduate schools to apply for the William L. Duren Jr. ’26 Professorship Program. This program supports faculty activities that enrich the scope of undergraduate education within the College

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The Office of Study Abroad invites faculty, with support from their department and school, to submit proposals for Faculty-Led Abroad Programs.  Faculty-Led programs help increase access to education abroad opportunities for Tulane’s diverse student population, attracting students who are unlikely to study abroad through other program models. Faculty-Led Study Abroad Programs are a unique opportunity to infuse international and intercultural learning into specific course curricula.

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The Center for Global Education’s Global Perspectives programming series offers Tulane faculty the opportunity to coordinate virtual curriculum enhancements and/or co-curricular cultural engagement through Tulane’s international partners.  Examples of engagement might include virtual site visits, guest lectures, language exchanges or cross-cultural discussions with students from a foreign institution.

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NTC Summer School welcomes proposals from faculty to teach during one of NTC Summer School’s sessions. For more information about teaching with NTC Summer School, please visit the NTC Summer School website.

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The Center for Global Education assists Tulane faculty in taking advantage of the Intercultural Development Inventory in order to increase their intercultural competence and that of their students.

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Career Coaching & Development


Career Champions is a program that offers campus partners the resources to elevate their conversations with students who seek them out for advice regarding their career interests and goals.

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CRDV can be taught by staff or faculty for mid-semester sections.

Email Kayla Sturm for more info

Mock Interviews are open to faculty who have participated in Career Champions program.

Email Kayla Sturm for more info

Faculty Committees


The Newcomb-Tulane College (NTC) Honor Board accepts applications from faculty on a rolling basis to join the NTC Honor Board. Members of the NTC Honor Board consider evidence, determine responsibility, and recommend sanctions for violations as appropriate.

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The Office of Fellowship Advising invites faculty who have an interest in supporting Tulane’s applicants to serve on this committee.

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The Office of Fellowship Advising invites faculty who have an interest in supporting Tulane’s applicants to serve on this committee.

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The Office of Fellowship Advising invites faculty who have an interest in supporting Tulane’s applicants to serve on this committee.

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The Office of Fellowship Advising invites faculty who have an interest in supporting Tulane’s applicants to serve on this committee.

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The Office of Fellowship Advising invites faculty who have an interest in supporting Tulane’s applicants to serve on this committee.

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Tulane serves as the School of Record for study abroad programs offered by the Council on International Educational Exchange (CIEE).  As part of this partnership, Tulane faculty are invited to provide substantive feedback on syllabi for courses offered at CIEE study abroad centers.

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Faculty will visit Council on International Educational Exchange (CIEE) study centers and host institutions, meet with students, and engage in a pedagogical colloquia with CIEE faculty.  Interested faculty should have a demonstrated record of teaching excellence and a strong interest in curriculum development.  Experience in global education is preferred, but not required.  

Connect with the Center for Global Education