Academic Integrity

As part of the Tulane University community, all undergraduate students and faculty within Newcomb-Tulane College are expected to support the basic principles of academic integrity. Academic integrity is a commitment, even in the face of adversity, to five fundamental values: honesty, trust, fairness, respect, and responsibility. From these values flow principles of behavior that enable our community to translate ideals into action (McCabe, 2001).

All students and faculty should be familiar with and should abide by the Code of Academic Conduct.

Student Guide to AI

As AI becomes integral to higher education, students face a new need to gain AI skills that will prepare them for the evolving landscape in college and life after graduation. Thanks to Elon University and AAC&U for responding to this need by creating a free guide to help students navigate college in the era of artificial intelligence. The guide includes an “essential ‘how-to’ manual” with recommendations for students to follow in their classes and a checklist for using AI ethically. Students will find suggestions for ways to use AI, cautions about the downsides of using AI, lists of AI resources, and suggestions for crafting prompts. If you have any questions about using AI ethically in academic work or navigating conversations with your instructors on what is permitted, please contact the Office of Academic Integrity at or

Anyone can report academic misconduct or alleged violations of the Code of Academic Conduct. We prefer that the person who witnessed or experienced the issue submit the report whenever possible, and we will communicate with the instructor of record once the report is received. Reports may be submitted anonymously, however, there is no investigation of an anonymous report without evidence.  Named reporters may ask for confidentiality but are needed for initial follow-up.

Instructors of record should submit reports in a timely manner – at the time of grading or shortly after witnessing an issue.  Giving the student repeated warnings about academic misconduct is not in the spirit of the Code of Academic Conduct. Waiting until the end of the term is not recommended.  However, if the incident occurs within 14 days of grades being due, you should issue an “I” or incomplete final grade for the student(s) involved.

Students are contacted once a report is received and the initial review yields charges for possible violations of the Code of Academic Conduct.  If someone accuses you of academic misconduct, you have the right to have the NTC Honor Board decide your case.  If an instructor refuses to submit a report and issues a grade impact, you may have grounds for a grade appeal.

All students will have a processing or pre-hearing meeting to discuss the next steps and what to expect in a hearing. These meetings are informational and not adversarial in any way, no resolutions are made in meetings.

Students must represent themselves in this process and may not have parents, attorneys, or others contact the Honor Board on their behalf.

Reports of alleged violations of the Code of Academic Conduct are reviewed by the Newcomb-Tulane College Honor Board. The board is composed of a select group of students and faculty who consider evidence, determine responsibility, and recommend sanctions for violations as appropriate. The Dean of Newcomb-Tulane College is the authority of the Code and has designated the Senior Associate Dean of Academic Affairs with general oversight of the Honor Board process. Hearings are chaired by trained student leaders and panels also include faculty members who receive annual training to evaluate academic misconduct. The faculty chair of the Honor Board serves as the chair of the Committee on Academic Integrity within NTC in addition to the selection and training of Honor Board members.

The NTC Honor Board accepts applications on a rolling basis from NTC students and faculty online here.

Below are a list of Tulane University and web-based resources to understand academic misconduct and how to avoid it.  There are also resources for understanding the developing technology that is being used to cheat in higher education today.

What Faculty Should Know About GenAI

Provost Addresses GenAI at Tulane

Academic Integrity Pledge

Academic Writing Center

Purdue Owl

Microsoft References

Tulane University Libraries’ Online Guides Plagiarism Spectrum

Center for Engaged Learning and Teaching

What is ChatGPT?

What are Word Spinners?

NTC Faculty Toolkit

Using Similarity Indexes and AI Detectors

For Students

Do I have to go to a hearing? Not all cases are resolved with a hearing.  However, if you have a prior violation of the Code of Academic Conduct or are facing possible suspension for an egregious violation you will need to have a hearing with the NTC Honor Board.

What is a hearing waiver? Students who have no prior violations may be offered the opportunity to accept responsibility and waive a hearing. Information on sanctions for first violations is listed in the letter you receive. Students may not barter sanctions if they wish to waive a hearing.

Can a person dismiss my case? There is not a single adjudicator or person who will hear your case. After the initial review and issuing of charges, students must either have a hearing or submit a hearing waiver accepting responsibility (first violations only).

How can I get an advisor for my case? A list of NTC Honor Board Advisors can also be provided to you if you wish to consult a faculty member outside of the Honor Board for advice. While advisors are permitted, they may not speak for you or participate in meetings with our office. You may also consult a staff or faculty member of your choice, however, that person will not have training in the Honor Board process.

Will I be suspended or expelled? While a full list of sanctions is available in the Code of Academic Conduct on page ___, you should ask about the specific consequences in your case during the process or pre-hearing meeting.  Students who have a prior violation are typically suspended for further violations.  Students with egregious cheating, fabrication, and false information are at risk of expulsion.

Can I call witnesses for my hearing? Yes, if you know that another person has first-hand knowledge of the issue or incident you may call them to share information and answer questions in a hearing.  The reporter may be called as well, and any other students involved may be called to participate in a hearing or provide information to the Honor Board.  No character witnesses or letters or support may be provided.

Can I submit evidence for my case?  If you have an upcoming hearing, you will be provided with an online form to add evidence for your case.  You will be provided the evidence attached to letters from our office and will know what information is available to the Honor Board in advance of your hearing.

How can you prove I did something wrong? The Honor Board uses the preponderance standard to weigh information and will determine if it is more likely than not that you violated the Code of Academic Conduct.  There is no one who needs to prove something beyond a reasonable doubt.

Will this go on my permanent record? This case will be a part of your academic record at Tulane and may be shared with others as you release your records (such as in a Dean’s Certification). As outlined in the Code of Academic Conduct on page 12, records of a responsible finding in academic misconduct cases are maintained internally for seven years from the incident date, Suspension, expulsion, and degree revocation are noted on the transcript indefinitely.

How do I appeal? The reasons for the appeal and how it will be reviewed are outlined in the Code of Academic Conduct on pages 10-11. Students may appeal the decision of a hearing panel, however, if you waive a hearing you are also waiving the right to appeal.

In this section, you can review the reports of case types, frequency and sanctioning strategies of the Honor Board as reported by the NTC Committee of Academic Integrity.

Annual Report 2023-2024

Annual Report 2022-2023

Annual Report 2021-2022

Annual Report 2020-2021

Honor Board Report (Fall 2020)

Honor Board Report (Fall 2019)

Comprehensive Statistics for the Honor Board (2008-2020)

Office of Academic Integrity


Robert C. Cudd Hall 116