College Programs

From your first moments on campus at Hullabaloo Hello, all the way to walking the stage at Commencement, NTC College Programs is here to help you find your place within our vibrant community of scholars. Throughout the year, we'll have countless events and opportunities for you to have fun on campus, explore New Orleans, plumb the depths of your intellectual curiosity, and build life-long connections with your peers.

Signature Programs


The Newcomb-Tulane College Reading Project, the common intellectual experience for the entering first-year class, engages students and faculty from different backgrounds and academic interests through the reading and discussion of a selected book.

Learn more about the NTC Reading Project

Throughout the Hullabaloo Hello experience, you will be introduced to the people, peers, and places committed to supporting your transition to Tulane. Plus, there will be a parade of opportunities to build community with your classmates.

Learn more about the Hullabaloo Hello

Ready to burst the Tulane bubble and dive headfirst into the vibrant culture of New Orleans? Look no further! We invite you to attend a series of off-campus trips available exclusively to first-year students..

Learn more about going Beyond The Bubble

The First-Year Five (FY5) play a crucial role in shaping a positive campus culture, ensuring that all students feel supported and connected during their first year at Tulane. By sharing personal stories, the FY5 aim to create a supportive community that eases the transition for incoming students and fosters a sense of belonging within the Tulane community.

Learn more about the First-Year Five

The First-Year Seminar Peer Mentor Program is an academic leadership opportunity for upperclass students to serve as a mentor to our newest students in a first-year seminar classroom. Peer Mentors play a crucial role in the transition of first-year students to the academic and social communities of Tulane University.

Learn more about TIDES Peer Mentors

The College Scholars program serves intellectually curious students looking to expand their academic horizons and build community with faculty and likeminded peers. Participants join Faculty Principal-led small group cohorts that focus on big questions and essential problems to solve. Though all College Scholars cohorts are designed to foster our three tenets of intellectual, social, and civic development, each group has a specific focus area aligned to faculty expertise and student interests.  

Celebrate your major declaration and the culmination of the first half of your undergraduate experience at this sophomore academic tradition! In addition to reveling in your academic achievements, you’ll receive your first piece of graduation regalia and participate in the sophomore toast.