24-25 Fulbright Scholars

Eight Confirmed Fulbright Finalists for 2024-2025

Eight Tulane students have been named Fulbright U.S. Student Program grant recipients for 2024-2025. Each grantee will receive funds through the Fulbright U.S. Student Program, the U.S. Department of State’s flagship international educational exchange program, to either study for a graduate degree, conduct an individually designed research project, or participate in an English Teaching Assistant Program outside the United States.

Since its inception in 1946, Fulbright programs have operated in 160+ countries and provided 400,000+ students and scholars the opportunity to learn, exchange ideas, and promote mutual understanding among global communities.

This year, the Newcomb-Tulane College Office of Fellowship Advising supported 45 applicants through the months-long Fulbright application process. 23 of those applicants were announced as Semi-Finalists in January. Currently, 8 applicants have been selected for a Fulbright grant, with 7 more listed as alternates. One recipient has decided to stay anonymous.

We are proud to recognize each of the following students and celebrate their accomplishments:

  • Josh Belew, NTC ’24

  • Jack DeFraites, NTC ’24

  • Grace Harsche, NTC ’24

  • Jasmine Kiley, NTC ’24

  • Julie Klingenstein, NTC ’24

  • Hannah Merwin, NTC ’24

  • Hannah Stoner, first-year graduate student, SPHTM ’26

  • Anonymous


" With this application cycle, NTC seniors walked away with the lion’s share of Fulbright grants, taking 8 of the 10 offers made to Tulanians. It is solid proof that a Tulane undergraduate education, paired with a solid commitment to the rigorous application process, will set them up for success with competitive awards. It was such a pleasure to get to know them while they worked on their applications in the months leading up to the national deadline. Their efforts are going to pay off as they pursue master’s degrees, research, or English teaching assignments around the world, and funded by the US Department of State. We are very proud of them and encourage interested students and alums to contact our office.  "

— Thomas Spencer, Director of the NTC Office of Fellowship Advising

Learn more about our 2024 Fulbright Scholars

Binational Business Program (Study/Research) – Mexico City, Mexico

In the coming academic year, I will be working in the Mexican private sector and taking classes at Instituto Tecnológico Autónomo de México (ITAM). During the fellowship, I plan to develop an understanding of the interconnectedness of the US and Mexican economies, working to promote a mutually beneficial relationship in my future career. Additionally, I am excited to explore my personal interest in Mexican literature, learning about Mexican society, history, and culture through its rich literary history.  

English Teaching Award – Germany

I was lucky to get my top choice placement of Schleswig-Holstein, the most northern state in Germany which borders Denmark. Despite still not knowing which city or town I will be placed in, I look forward to my 10-month long position as an English Teacher's Assistant likely at a technician or hospitality vocational school. Though already at professional working fluency, I am excited to sharpen my German even further. A hobby I hope to develop is to learn how to sail on the Baltic Sea.

Study Award – The Netherlands 

I will be pursuing a master's in Political Science at Vrije University in Amsterdam. At Vrije University, I will spend the first several months focusing generally on political science before choosing a specialty and pursuing my thesis. After the completion of my degree, I will be interning with Dutch & Detained, a non-profit organization that provides free legal assistance to Dutch detainees abroad.

Open Award –  United Kingdom 

I will be studying at the University of Cambridge to pursue a Master of Philosophy in Medical Science under the mentorship of Dr. Catherine Aiken. The MPhil is entirely research based, and I will be continuing my exploration into women’s health and learning about the female patient experience within the National Health Service. I am looking forward to a year of discovery and eye-opening experiences!  

English Teaching Award – Germany

During the next year with Fulbright, I will be working as an English teaching assistant in Bavaria, Germany. In my classroom, my goal is to teach my students how varied American life is through engaging projects that one would find in a typical American classroom, such as the State Fair. I am looking forward to immersing myself in my local community, improving my German, learning the Bavarian dialect, and exploring all that Germany has to offer!

English Teaching Award – Colombia 

I am so grateful to have been awarded a Fulbright grant to Colombia! I will be working as an assistant teacher at the post-secondary level as well as hosting clubs for conversational practice and other cultural exchange activities. In addition, I will be working with an environmental NGO to create a sustainability initiative for my university's campus. I can't wait to immerse myself in Colombian culture and create meaningful connections in my community. I am so thankful for the support of my professors, family, and friends throughout the application process. 

Fulbright-Fogarty Fellowships in Public Health Award – Ethiopia 

Nutritional problems including micronutrient deficiencies among pregnant women and stunting in children are prevalent globally including in Ethiopia. My research aims to evaluate the presence of essential and toxic elements in staple crops in Ethiopia. The study will determine health risks and provide information for targeted interventions to improve nutritional outcomes in rural communities in Ethiopia. The study will be conducted in collaboration with the Addis Continental Institute of Public Health (ACIPH). I am excited to be able to work with the experts at ACIPH and learn more about Ethiopian culture, nutrition, and effective implementation measures.