NTC Junior awarded prestigious Obama-Chesky Voyager Scholarship

Elal Tilahun

Elal Tilahun, a rising junior majoring in international relations and minoring in French and economics will be part of the 2024-26 cohort of the Obama-Chesky Voyager Scholarship. This is NTC’s second-ever recipient of the Obama-Chesky Voyager Scholarship which is welcoming its third cohort for this highly competitive award. The Obama Foundation established the award to recognize students with a demonstrated commitment to careers in public service.

This award provides Elal with up to $25,000 per year in “last dollar” financial aid. “Last dollar” financial aid will cover the remaining educational expenses for her junior and senior years of college. The last-dollar approach builds on other financial aid programs and helps ensure students can pursue a career in public service and are not constrained by crushing student debt. She will also receive a $10,000 stipend and free Airbnb housing to pursue a summer work-travel experience between her junior and senior years. After Elal graduates, Airbnb will provide her with a $2,000 Airbnb travel credit every year for 10 years, totaling $20,000. This will allow her to continue to broaden her horizons and forge new connections throughout her public service career.

Elal, of Arlington, VA, was drawn to this award because of its emphasis on travel and public service and the opportunity to engage with other like-minded individuals. “This award seemed like the perfect opportunity to combine my passions and gain valuable mentorship and support for my goals in education reform and youth empowerment.”

In high school, Elal created the Ethiopian Youth for Children organization. The organization sought to address the lack of youth involvement in public service within Ethiopia and the Ethiopian American community. Despite its large youth population, she saw that engagement was low, and sought to change that. 

“Introducing young voices into discussions about education would empower our youth to seize control of their futures, creating a more self-sufficient and active generation.”

— Elal Tilahun

This fall Elal will attend the Voyager Summit where President Barack Obama and Airbnb CEO Brian Chesky will be speaking. Then throughout the fall and spring semesters, the Obama Foundation will assist her in preparing for her summer 2025 voyage. 

This award will allow Elal to focus on her commitment to public service without a financial burden. She will also benefit from the guidance of past Voyager recipients and access to a network of leaders within the Obama Foundation. 

Elal credits the Office of Undergraduate Research and Fellowship Advising with providing her valuable support throughout the application process. 
“I met with Dr. Wolfe multiple times, and her guidance was extremely valuable. Her advice and support greatly contributed to the success of my application.”
After graduation, Elal plans to attend law school to understand legal frameworks and international regulations related to education.