Brooke Arcement



Major: English and Political Science with a minor in Music and Italian

Hometown: New Orleans, LA

Favorite thing(s) about Tulane: “I absolutely adore my professors. Through every struggle, I have found all my professors to not only be understanding and accommodating, but also willing to go above and beyond to ensure the well-being of myself and my peers.” 


 My name is Brooke Arcement, and I am ardently grateful and honored to have been given the opportunity to act as a Newcomb Tulane Dean’s Ambassador. Such a role inherently entails leadership and advocacy—two characteristics that formulate the foundations and intricacies of a defense lawyer. The existence of a justice system that works to isolate and deter human rights from the very ones who breathe is an injustice like no other, but the existence of an institution that, under the guise of fairness, misuses its power to dehumanize the ones who are innocent is the greatest miscarriage of that which is deemed “justice.” Abuses of power—such actions that emphasize racist ideals and mass-incarceration, subsequently facilitating systematic oppression—are the very elements that act as the foundation for the survival of such an institution, and it is the work of passionate leaders that takes apart the system brick by brick. The existence of such leaders is one that elicits hope and recognition of humanity within a system that begs to take hope away and vies to squander life. I would like nothing more than do everything in my power to be such a leader, and I am confident that my work ethic, abilities, and passion will contribute to the goal of dissipating the institution’s definition of justice and reinventing such a word to truly embody the much-needed equity that is seldom found within the continuation of the criminal justice system. I have committed every effort within my ability to advocate for those behind bars, consistently engaging in both internships and volunteering that aims to effectuate notions of prison reform and support. Utilizing classes that specialize in reading and analysis of complex documents, engaging with Tulane’s pre-law society and reform clubs, as well as participating in various law internships, I am invariably preparing for the tasks required within the law field and effective advocacy. In addition to the grandiose aim of justice reform, I yearn to do whatever in my power to aid my own community. I am eternally grateful for my Tulane experience, and it is thus my onus to nurture the very environment that has continuously provided me with resources that have fundamentally developed my thoughts, morals, and passions. Through embodying the values of Tulane, I will represent the very meaning of justice: inclusivity, equity, knowledge, and leadership. As a Dean’s Ambassador, I will continue to commit myself to alleviating injustices, for it is through my passions and ethic, along with my experiences at Tulane, that I can accomplish this goal within both Tulane’s campus and the justice system itself.